Edge Computing is the Future for Education and State and Local Governments

While the pandemic has created many challenges in the delivery of state and local governmental services, it also has created an opportunity to rethink how those services are provided to the public. The acceleration of work-from-anywhere environments has spurred organizations within state and local governments and education (SLED) to improve their delivery of citizen services.
One of the keys to this effort has been the move to edge computing, where processing power is pushed as close to the end user as possible, instead of having devices collect and transmit information back to a central repository for analysis. Edge computing is highly efficient when done correctly, providing computing power right where people need it most, whenever they require it. This has been a key lesson as more applications are being managed in the cloud. More than almost any other technology, edge computing can support applications that keep our communities running and empower citizens to get the information and services they require as safely, securely and efficiently as possible.
Part of bringing the power of edge computing to state and local governments is to enhance utilization of the Internet of Things (IoT) to improve efficiency as we acquire, analyze and act on data. Whether your deploying sensors throughout government infrastructure to improve traffic flows, energy consumption, and access to public transit; or responsible in providing real-time COVID updates with testing and vaccine information, timely data is critical.
While all that data can be transmitted to the cloud for analysis it can introduce latency delays in processing information and ultimately slow critical decision making. Trying to transmit and process mountains of collected information from a central location can ultimately be the logjam that hobbles effective implementation of modern citizen services.
This is where edge computing, or moving analytical capabilities close to the source of these specialized types of information, can really pay off.
When combined with machine learning and AI, residents can quickly see instant benefits – such as pulling into a parking garage and seeing how many spaces on each floor are still available. No more need to go hunting row by row, floor by floor, for a parking space.
Or consider the introduction of mobile phone apps by health departments that alert users about whether they have been near someone infected with COVID. These apps immediately give citizens useful information that can help them decide whether they need to get tested or if they are eligible for a vaccine. The apps can also anonymously alert everyone that a potentially infected user has interacted with them.
Another area where edge computing shows a lot of progress is in security. IoT devices may not have the processing capability to run their own security operations, but when they are tightly networked with machine to machine communications, they can share information and are capable of making rudimentary decisions, such as whether a situation requires an alert or human intervention.
A network that works at the edge
Running an Acquire/Analyze/Act data framework across a city, region or educational institution requires smart solutions that can process data efficiently across multiple locations and technologies while also increasing the availability of applications and workloads.
Lumen edge computing solutions can help state and local governments by providing a secure environment in areas where edge computing and digital interactions can take place as close to the end user as possible. Lumen can link IoT devices to cloud and edge computing resources that enable governments to acquire, analyze and act on the data gathered by their devices, and do so cost-effectively, securely and with low latency.
Finally, know that protecting data and applications at the edge requires built-in, automated security. Our robust web application firewalls (WAF), bot management and API (/) protection service is seamless, automated and built in. We have one of the largest DDoS threat mitigation services in the world, which means that network security is based on high fidelity and actionable threat intelligence that can help keep your data safe.
Edge computing is designed to put data processing and storage closer to the end users in ways that help protect and accelerate customer and end user experiences. Nowhere are there more opportunities for this to be effective in the coming years than in critical SLED environments. Now is the time to implement solutions that will help you tackle these issues.
Learn more about Lumen Edge Computing solutions.
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