Summary The explosion of Internet of Things (IoT) devices has long served as a breeding ground for malware distribution. The inability for users to patch many IoT devices has only compounded this problem, as bad actors continue to evolve tactics […]
Summary The explosion of Internet of Things (IoT) devices has long served as a breeding ground for malware distribution. The inability for users to patch many IoT devices has only compounded this problem, as bad actors continue to evolve tactics […]
Despite the ubiquity of DNS, too many security teams today do not adequately prioritize it as a focus for monitoring and mitigation of risk. As recent security headlines demonstrate, one increasingly common cyberattack employed by malicious actors is DNS tunneling, […]
Over the past several years, Emotet has established itself as a pervasive and continually evolving threat, morphing from a prominent banking trojan to a modular spam and malware-as-a-service botnet with global distribution. After emerging in June 2014 targeting German and […]
Introduction The Necurs botnet has a well-known and sordid history of criminal endeavors. Today, it is regarded as one of the most prolific spam and malware distribution botnets in existence. However, despite its reputation for delivering spam, its operators have […]
Over the past year, CenturyLink Threat Research Labs has been tracking an IoT botnet called “TheMoon”. TheMoon is a modular botnet specifically targeting vulnerabilities in routers within broadband networks. Since its identification in early 2014 [1], the botnet has evolved […]
CenturyLink Threat Research Labs has been tracking the Mylobot botnet, a sophisticated malware family that is categorized as a downloader. What makes Mylobot dangerous is its ability to download and execute any type of payload after it infects a host. […]
The Mirai malware began its life as a weapon in turf wars between feuding video game server operators. In the two years since it debuted, it has seen heavy adoption as a general DDoS attack platform around the world. Although […]
Level 3 Threat Research Labs has previously reported on a family of malware that exploits Internet of Things (IoT) devices to create distributed denial of service (DDoS) botnets. With a rapidly increasing market for these devices and little attention being paid to […]
Introduction On August 13, a previously unknown organization named the “Shadow Brokers” released files claiming to be tools used by the hacking organization named the “Equation Group”. Kaspersky dubbed this name for the organization in February of 2015, when they […]
The rush to connect everything to the internet is leaving millions of everyday products vulnerable and ripe for abuse. We’ve seen internet connectivity added to appliances, athletic clothing, pill bottles and even forks. Security, if it’s considered at all, is […]