Lumen Powers The State Of New Mexico’s Statewide Education Network With Connectivity For K-12 Schools

The New Mexico Office of Broadband Access and Expansion recently selected Lumen Technologies to provide nearly 900 miles of high-speed fiber connectivity to K-12 public schools around the state, including charter and tribal schools.
Lumen is providing high-capacity, low-latency fiber-optic wave technology, backbone circuits, network nodes, and cost-effective centralized network design, management and support to the new school-focused broadband network.
The three-year contract is worth more than $4.3 million during the first phase, which will securely link approximately 15,000 students at all 27 public schools in the Gadsden Independent School District in Santa Teresa, NM, and at three charter schools in Albuquerque: 21st Century Public Academy, Mark Armijo Academy and Mountain Mahogany Community School.
Public schools across New Mexico are committed to being a part of the Statewide Education Network, which plans to interconnect all New Mexico schools by 2027. This effort will lay the foundation for a state-coordinated middle-mile network.
Middle-mile connectivity is critical to digital inclusivity, equity and affordability because it bridges the gap to the last-mile broadband providers that connect homes and businesses to the internet.
“This achievement demonstrates New Mexico’s commitment to technology in schools and to developing a powerful, collaborative and creative learning environment for students,” said Viorica.
“Our work with the New Mexico Statewide Education Network is part of our commitment to unleashing the power of our massive fiber network to bridge the digital divide, foster digital inclusivity and create new opportunities for all Americans to thrive in today’s interconnected world,” said Michelle Watson, Vice President of State, Local and Education business at Lumen. “Lumen is delivering secure high-speed connectivity to public schools and classrooms, which will create more opportunities for learning, collaboration and lesson sharing among students and teachers across New Mexico.”
To hear more about how Lumen customers enhanced their network power and security, check out more customer success stories.
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