Enhancing Community Experiences with Digital Transformation

Digital transformation adoption in the public sector has increased in recent years to meet the needs and expectations in communities. Like the private sector, public agencies are facing similar challenges of improving service delivery and enhancing experiences in a digital driven age.
The urgency for digital transformation is pushing agency leaders to accelerate their move to cloud-based solutions. Here are some considerations that are on the minds of agency leaders:
Legacy Technology Modernization
The need for services based on digital applications has increased in public agencies in recent years, especially after the pandemic. This expectation has created pressure for federal, state and local agencies to review their IT modernization strategy. According to NASCIO, legacy modernization is a top priority to enable delivering digital based government services. Digitizing the citizen and workforce experiences are critical in being able to deliver better services to a growing population with diversifying needs. As such, enabling a future-ready IT infrastructure is critical as part of their modernization goals.
Increase Efficiencies with Cloud Services
Cloud services have become a vital part of government technology portfolios. Migrating to the cloud has been important to help improve both workforce collaboration and delivering enhanced community services. Workforce technology applications such as collaboration, ERP, security solutions and others have been more effectively managed on the cloud versus on-premise to address workforce challenges and meet growing future community demands. Take for example IRS Free File, which was launched recently by the Internal Revenue Service. Digitized tax filing provides not only the electronic option but convenience to individuals who traditionally file it on paper. This allows both the agency and person to save time with a usually tedious process.
Seamless Citizen and Workforce Experiences
The needs of communities and the employees who serve them alike have evolved over time. Having the ability to adapt and remain flexible goes a long way in enabling a committed workforce to the people that they serve. In a digital-first era, adopting collaboration applications has helped increase satisfaction and productivity in the workforce. Examples of use cases range from helping nurses and healthcare workers with more flexible scheduling, providing flexibility to noncritical employees in a different location, all the way to communicating with clients in a digital channel which has increased efficiency and satisfaction.
Preparing for the Unforeseen
Business resiliency will continue to be an important lesson for agency leaders even after the pandemic. They will have to plan for unexpected situations to make sure that services will always run smoothly. This includes having a backup plan to maintain workforce productivity along with a secure and reliable infrastructure to avoid any disruptions with essential services.
How Lumen can help
Working with public agencies, healthcare and educational organizations, Lumen has acquired the experience and expertise to support clients in their technology modernization journey in the public sector to enhance services that they deliver to the communities they serve.
Our experts can help assess your modernization strategy, from road mapping your existing IT migration priorities to developing new digital transformation imperatives to support your technology goals.
Let us know how we can help.
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