Customers should verify their IP indexes to prevent traffic from being dropped When you clicked the link to read this blog, you triggered a series of actions that directed your data across the internet to this page using the most […]
Customers should verify their IP indexes to prevent traffic from being dropped When you clicked the link to read this blog, you triggered a series of actions that directed your data across the internet to this page using the most […]
As the toll of the pandemic continues to plague nearly every sector of the economy, the cybersecurity landscape is seeing attack after attack from bad actors that are finding opportunities to capitalize on the chaos. As such, the demand for […]
As digital architectures become more distributed and the edge continues to extend closer to end users than ever before, securing applications and the networks on which they rely has become an equally rising challenge. In addition to traditional threats, security […]
We’ve all been there. Head down, staring at our smart phone waiting for a new app to install. You quickly swipe through the terms and conditions before hitting “accept,” excited and ready to use the latest technology. Today’s applications offer […]
Since the second half of 2020, Lumen Black Lotus Labs® has observed an unsettling number of entities receiving emails containing a threat of sustained DDoS attack unless a Bitcoin ransom was paid. These attacks – known as Ransom Distributed Denial […]
Bolstered by contributions from Black Lotus Labs and others, Microsoft and FS-ISAC recently took court action to disrupt a particularly insidious botnet called TrickBot – a significant source of ransomware and banking credential theft. As the threat intelligence arm of […]
Summary The explosion of Internet of Things (IoT) devices has long served as a breeding ground for malware distribution. The inability for users to patch many IoT devices has only compounded this problem, as bad actors continue to evolve tactics […]
Despite the ubiquity of DNS, too many security teams today do not adequately prioritize it as a focus for monitoring and mitigation of risk. As recent security headlines demonstrate, one increasingly common cyberattack employed by malicious actors is DNS tunneling, […]
Over the past several years, Emotet has established itself as a pervasive and continually evolving threat, morphing from a prominent banking trojan to a modular spam and malware-as-a-service botnet with global distribution. After emerging in June 2014 targeting German and […]
Over the past year, CenturyLink Threat Research Labs has been tracking an IoT botnet called “TheMoon”. TheMoon is a modular botnet specifically targeting vulnerabilities in routers within broadband networks. Since its identification in early 2014 [1], the botnet has evolved […]