In the realm of connection, humanity has found its common ground. The internet, the great connector, has been at the heart of this revolution, and at the forefront stands Lumen—operating the #1 peered global network. From the dawn of the […]
In the realm of connection, humanity has found its common ground. The internet, the great connector, has been at the heart of this revolution, and at the forefront stands Lumen—operating the #1 peered global network. From the dawn of the […]
A rebrand can be a fresh start for any business, and the rebrand for United Direct Solutions was “long overdue,” according to Connie Burns, Chief Technology Officer at United Direct Solutions. “We were put into a bucket of only providing […]
In an industry that supports one in four jobs in the U.S., retail innovation is more than just a buzzword—it’s a necessity for businesses that want to survive and thrive in the rapidly changing and highly competitive retail market. Customers […]
In this digital age, the finance sector faces unprecedented opportunities and challenges. The market is highly competitive and dynamic, with newcomers and disruptors offering innovative products and services. Meanwhile, business leaders and consumers alike must make informed decisions on a […]
The financial world has changed dramatically in recent years. The proliferation of fintech startups, online payments and open banking—which allows access and control of consumer accounts through third-party applications—has reshaped the competitive landscape, heightening both innovation and customer expectations. Perhaps […]
One of the biggest business issues of 2022 was the question of workers’ return to the office after two years of pandemic-driven disruptions and the mass shift to working from home. The issue stayed in the headlines for several reasons. […]
I ordered something online recently. I’m sure you did too. It’s easy. One click and my items arrived later that day. The experience is designed to make it easier to order the things I need. The order-today-same-day-delivery experience is common […]
The western United States is known for its wide-open spaces and mountains. You can see forever from lots of different vantage points. By geography, the Mountain region in the western U.S. is Lumen’s largest business unit, covering Utah, Idaho, Montana, […]
New infrastructure is helping power business in the southern tech corridor, as the southeast quickly claims space as one of the nation’s top tech hubs. Lumen is helping to accelerate this rise by continuing to invest in the local infrastructure. […]
A few years ago, IDC introduced its Future of Work model which is defined as a fundamental and seismic shift in how we work. The Future of Work fosters human-machine collaboration enabling new skills and worker experiences, while supporting a […]